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Fill out the form and sell huge bouquets of 300, 500 roses or more through Huge Flowers
Please provide your answers in a free-form manner, but in enough detail so that we can better assess the potential of our collaboration.
Full Name
In which region(s) can you arrange bouquets for Huge Flowers customers?
Your email
Your Instagram (personal and business, if available)
Your Telegram username (if available)
Link to your florist shop on maps (Google Maps or Yandex Maps)
Link to your florist shop website (if available)
Do you have experience in assembling large bouquets?
No, I have no experience, I need to learn the technique
Yes, I have experience assembling a bouquet of 101 roses
Yes, I have experience assembling a bouquet of 201 roses
Yes, I have experience assembling a bouquet of 301 roses
Yes, I have experience assembling a bouquet of 501 roses
Yes, I have experience assembling a bouquet of 1000+ roses
What price are you willing to charge for assembling bouquets of 300, 500, and 1000 roses for us?
Please provide the final price of the bouquet, including your earnings for the assembly.
How many years have you been in the floristry business?
More than 30 years.
Upload photos (and videos, if available) of the largest rose bouquets you have assembled (up to 10 files).
Write about yourself in a simple form
Your phone number
By clicking the button, you consent to the processing of personal data and agree to the privacy policy.